動態消息來源: Google 新聞 https://news.google.com/news/search/section/q/TOEFL/TOEFL?hl=zh-TW&gl=TW&ned=tw
◎ IB攻略:IB學生報讀澳洲大學3大須知 2018-11-13 相關報導: - IB攻略:IB學生報讀澳洲大學3大須知 on.cc東網 【 https://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/lifestyle/20181113/bkn-20181113130016373-1113_00982_001.html 】 ◎ जानें क्या है TOEFL टेस्ट और कैसे करें तैयारी 2018-11-03 相關報導: - जानें क्या है TOEFL टेस्ट और कैसे करें तैयारी नवभारत टाइम्स 【 https://navbharattimes.indiatimes.com/education/study-abroad/us/know-what-is-toefl-test-of-english-as-a-foreign-language-and-how-to-prepare-for-it/articleshow/66487575.cms 】 ◎ HEC to provide GRE, TOEFL training to 6000 students for study in US 2018-11-02 相關報導: - HEC to provide GRE, TOEFL training to 6000 students for study in US Daily Times 【 https://dailytimes.com.pk/317570/hec-to-provide-gre-toefl-training-to-6000-students-for-study-in-us/ 】 ◎ 申请美国院校:小托福比大托福更有优势 2018-10-20 相關報導: - 申请美国院校:小托福比大托福更有优势 新浪网 【 http://edu.sina.com.cn/a/2018-10-20/doc-ifxeuwws6053785.shtml 】 ◎ Phát động cuộc thi tiếng Anh TOEFL Challenge cho học sinh cấp I, II TP HCM 2018-11-08 相關報導: - Phát động cuộc thi tiếng Anh TOEFL Challenge cho học sinh cấp I, II TP HCM VnExpress 【 https://vnexpress.net/tin-tuc/giao-duc/phat-dong-cuoc-thi-tieng-anh-toefl-challenge-cho-hoc-sinh-cap-i-ii-tp-hcm-3836252.html 】